The Hadeda or Hadeda ibis (Bostrychia Hagedash) is an ibis found in sub Saharan Africa.

The Hadeda is a large (about 76cm  long), grey to partly brown species of ibis. It has a narrow, white, roughly horizontal stripe across its cheeks. This is some times called the ‘moustache’ though it does not reach the mouth corners. The plumage over the legs and a large grey-to-black bill with a red stripe on the wings has an indecent purple sheen. The bird has blackish upper mandible. The upper surfaces of the toes are of similar red. Wings are powerful and broad, enabling quick take offs and easy manoeuvring through dense tree cover.

It has a loud and distinctive ‘haa-haa-haa-de-dah’ call that often heard when birds are flying or are startled, hence the name. While roosting they produce a single loud ‘haaaaa’. When foraging, their contact call is a low growl similar to that made by a young puppy.